[Hacker-event-theory] Thoughts on the 30c3?

Piet De Vaere piet at devae.re
Tue Feb 25 20:54:45 CET 2014

I'm with nick on this one

On 25 February 2014 19:56, Nick Farr <nick at nickfarr.org> wrote:
> Could you elaborate as to what you meant by "too well organized"?  I think I
> gather the gist of your meaning, but a German audience might end up laughing
> that off.
> One key factor is that the Congress was huge and decentralized.  Nobody in
> the orga could wrap their head around it.
> However, I'm really going to have to disagree with the event doing little to
> encourage interaction.  I thought the layout of the event naturally lent
> itself to that, that everyone had to navigate through a somewhat confusing
> hall--almost as if it was designed to encourage random interaction.
> Yes, things were cramped, but there was something for everyone if you
> managed to look for it--what more could have been done?
> Nick Farr
> http://nickfarr.org
> ***NOTE NEW PHONE NUMBER:*** +1 917 471 2219
> D762E03B / N0FAR
> Church Street Station / PO BOX 3471 / NY NY 10008-3471 / USA
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 12:21 PM, Amran <amx109 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> it was too well organised. even for experienced hackers, there was little
>> agency, little creativity. i heard the same complaints re engels. zero
>> serendipity
>> the layout was terrible. some stages were just tucked away in spaces no
>> one would go to.
>> believe it or not, i found the lack of social space disappointing.
>> hackerspace areas were crammed into one area. the 'hardware hall' was
>> equally crammed and difficult to navigate.
>> the event did little to encourage interaction. it also failed to present
>> the history of our scene and culture to new people.
>> when i asked the info desk on the process for feedback, they replied that
>> they never had any do that before. crazy. i'll be sending a more cogent,
>> less ranty breakdown to martin of infodesk fame.
>> On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 12:43 PM, Eelco Hotting <eelco at hotting.nl> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've been there and had a great time.
>>> Spoke to a lot of people and attended a few big talks. Also, became an
>>> Engel and did quite some shifts, to see how that compares to NL.
>>> When talking to people I focussed on the subject of this mailinglist,
>>> getting feedback on OHM2013, expectations for the future and insights on the
>>> cultural and social changes in our community, in Germany, The Netherlands
>>> and the UK.
>>> I've learned a lot, especially on the relationship between the German and
>>> Dutch community. Also, I've observed some general patterns in how the
>>> community seems to develop due to the large influx of newcomers.
>>> For CCC Congress it might become a problem that they grow so fast,
>>> resulting in lack of individual agency and a starting detachment between
>>> management and minions.
>>> Lots to do based on the visit to Germany. For NL we'll write down the
>>> things we learned and want to change, and will certainly share with this
>>> list and others.
>>> Eelco
>>> On 8 jan. 2014, at 08:16, Nick Farr <nick at nickfarr.org> wrote:
>>> > Just to get the discussion back underway: Who was at the 30c3?  What
>>> > were your thoughts on the event?
>>> >
>>> > I have some other posts that I'm still stewing on myself...to be
>>> > written when I catch up from the 30c3. ;)
>>> >
>>> > Nick Farr
>>> > http://nickfarr.org
>>> > +1 203 441-3277
>>> > D762E03B / N0FAR
>>> > Church Street Station / PO BOX 3471 / NY NY 10008-3471 / USA
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