[hs-equality] 28c3 Queer Geeks Panel

Mitch Altman maltman23 at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 10 21:05:15 CET 2011

Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 09:50:41 -0800
From: rubin at starset.net
To: equality at lists.hackerspaces.org
Subject: Re: [hs-equality] 28c3 Queer Geeks Panel

Once again sorry I've been out of sight, work has been taking over and
OccupySF has been eating up what little free time I've had.
First off in the true spirit of Noisebridge, people should do what they
think should be done and I'm glad to see all of us excited to get
something rolling for Congress. :)
Lars Weiler wrote, On 2011-11-08 12:40:
> On 08.11.2011, at 21:17, Liz Henry wrote:
>> I think there is a huge difference between people having a conversation in public (i.e. a panel)  and people doing "It Gets Better" videos. People go to conferences to interact with other people in real time. So I have difficulty imagining someone stopping to watch a video in the hallway, however long or short that video may be.
> With the difference, that they can meet these people at the conference. The videos feature people who are actually attending 28C3 and who are open for conversations.
I'm mostly with Liz on this. The idea with a having a panel is that it
pushes for discussion, which brings out the fact that people are talking
about this issue openly and not only the people on panel.
While bumper spots are a one way communication. We can put QR codes and
links back to material (specifically do something with this fucking
domain I bought that I haven't done anything with) or even have a link
ping one of us to find the person that wants to talk, but in all honesty
I don't think it'll come to that. Commercials don't typically draw me
into looking for further discussion or more helpful information, I (like
many hackers) tend to ignore them.
So again, that dialog is important, a human being talking to you about
what they're going through to help you with whatever it is you're going
through is a much stronger (and different) message than a 30 second TV
spot. So I disagree along with Liz, it's all very different and (in my
opinion) a less effective foot in the door.
With all that being said, in my most humblest tone of voice, I do
appreciate CCC taking so much time to discuss and review the panel
proposal. I also appreciate that they feel this is an important subject
and that they want to offer us an alternative option that would function
better within their format, of which it sounds like that is something
we're going doing (considering Mitch hates TV I find it rather
entertaining that he's all on board for this). Thanks. :)
Lars: I would like to ask, does CCC have a policy regarding adhoc talks
and panels happening during the conference, either in bcc or outside of
the space (advertized about within Congress)? If the general response is
that it's not a problem one way or another, I propose we organize out
some sort of "Equality" gathering that could potential turn into an open
discussion form/panel/food eatings/drink drinkings/etc happening during
Congress, of which we could throw information about into the bumper
spots, inviting anyone to come and join. Thoughts?
Thanks for reading. I'm still way up for an "unofficial" panel discussion -- at BCC, if possible.  I still think the videos are a good idea (this being different than TV, in that these are not being made with profit asthe primary goal, but to give people an opportunity to engage in conscious dialog) -- they will dovetail nicely with a panel that people can engage in if they so choose. Is there is a way to have an "unofficial" panel officially announcedat Congress?  If so, then, along with the videos, I think this would be ideal way to go (given that the Content Committee already rejected our proposal for an official panel discussion on the subject). Mitch.   		 	   		  
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