[hackerspaces] Access control RFID pinpad enclosure halp

Rubin Abdi rubin at starset.net
Wed Dec 23 00:21:10 CET 2015

Noisebridge's trusty gutted payphone turned into an outdoor access control
pinpad/RFID reader has died today. After initial observation it seems the
rain that everyone's been asking for has finally shown up and gotten inside
the thing. We can open it up and clean it out and most likely get it
running again, but remounting the thing is a pain and the process of
weatherproofing it isn't going to be easy.

I am looking for one of two things...

1. Recommendations on an affordable out door enclosure, can be securely
attached to a gate (https://goo.gl/photos/YgMhVAGUasEtDWoB8), has a
weatherproof pinpad, plastic window to read RFID through, and potentially
another window for a small display to be mounted against. Bonus points if
we can order this and get it delivered soon.

2. Such a thing as the item above, that your hacker space has a spare of
and is wanting to either get rid of it or sell it to us for a reasonable

Any help would be appreciated.

Also if you're curious how our system works...



rubin at starset.net
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