[hackerspaces] Cleanliness in your Hackerspace?

Elliot Lee elliot at greengar.com
Sat Sep 24 01:23:29 CEST 2011

I suggest putting up signs, using a labelmaker or similar. Just stick them
near problem areas. A lot of people, myself included, will read and follow
instructions that are clear, unambiguous, and ubiquitous.






Signs and labels work on me a lot better than shouting, cussing or cursing.

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 5:06 PM, h0uz3 <h0uz3 at foto23.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> How good or bad does it work in your space to keep it clean and tidy?
> Recently I have to yell at people regularly to make them put away their
> empty bottles or spend half an our a day to collect these empty bottles and
> paper from snacks or whole pizza boxes (sometimes even with alive pizza in
> it). Is there a good solution for this?
> People very often don't clean the kitchen after using it or just put their
> tables on the counter istead of checking if there's some space left in the
> dish washer and/or turning it on and/or taking the dishes out and putting
> it where it belongs.
> We clean the space every weekend completely, people clean up the kitchen,
> get rid of old paper and pizza boxes and stuff, but during the week a lot
> of people seem to just leave their wast right where they were and leave "in
> a hurry". Sometimes the cleaning rage isn't over for 24 ours and the
> kitchen looks even worse than before.
> Somehow I feel like enough people don't care to mess up the whole place.
> Best example: I wanted to use my computer and found it with a gooey
> keyboard and mouse. Cleaned it thoroughly. Same thing happened the next
> day, this time the mouse ball wasn't working anymore.
> I guess shouting, cussing and cursing at people all the time makes the
> space even less likable than it's already by being so filthy...
> Any ideas?
> </h0uz3>
> --
> Kein Footer.
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