[hackerspaces] [hackerspaces-announce] Maintenance window Fri, 09|09|11

astera astera at hackerspaces.org
Fri Aug 26 10:10:30 CEST 2011

Ehlo everyone,

starting Friday, September 09th 2011, at approx. 09.15 AM CEST (07.15 AM
UTC/GMT | 03.15 AM EDT | 12.15 AM PDT | 12.45 PM IST) and lasting for
one up to a couple of hours at most, we'll be shutting down all services
including web/mail/lists/xmpp/tor/bots/etc. for hw extensions and
general maintenance. As of yet (and probably until afterwards), I can
not tell exactly when each server and/or service will be unreachable
within that service window.

The downtime will affect _all_ domains and services hosted on mavie,
nike, siliconninjas, hackerspaces.*, hackertalks, kewagi.net, the
virtue, and utopia. In case you have any questions regarding this issue,
please do not hestitate to contact me directly. For any bug reports
after the upgrade, I'd ask you to use the tracking list at
tech at hackerspaces.org!

Thanks all for your kindness and understanding.

Hack on,

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