[hackerspaces] Hacker TV Station

Matthew Forr matthew.forr at gmail.com
Wed Aug 11 01:25:50 CEST 2010

I agree, content first seems like a good way to go as that will require the
most effort over the long haul.

That being said we were contemplating  an AM station in Baltimore (or
multiple @ the regulatory min spread out) but I couldn't commit to the
content to make it worthwhile.

Perhaps one day I'll have some good knowledge worth sharing or an opinion
strong enough to shout it from the rooftops :)

—Matthew Forr

On Aug 10, 2010, at 4:34 PM, RGB <blippo at gmail.com> wrote:

If you are so excited to make your own broadcast, why don't you start with
some content first and spread it wide via Internet.
Streaming even live is waaaaay to cheaper, legal and you can target hackers
all around the globe, not just within reach of your antenna.
If the UHF broadcasting is your goal and interest you will very soon face
FCC (in US) or other regulators (in other parts of the world) and you
basically cannot effectively hide as a pirate...


On 10.8.2010 17:11, Brain Tank wrote:

With the Analog Broadcast system having been switched over in the US I'd
like to take advantage of the empty space and make a LPTV/HAMTV station at
our Hackerspace. We're having a bit of trouble translating the legal end of
things. We have our General class HAM licenses and we can see HAMTV is often
transmitted on channels 57-60 CATV.

 Some questions that we've been unable to resolve are:

   - Can we stream YouTube all day long?
    - I realize theres a limitation as far as commercial things over HAM
   radio but what about "promotions" using HAMTV?
    - How far are we allowed to transmit?
    - Are the HAMTV bands even necessary to be limited to with all the freed
   up analog bandwidth?

 Things may have changed a bit now that the bands have opened up but I
cannot find specific information anywhere on the net.

 We think we can achieve this using one of these 5watt TV

 If anyone has the ability to help answer these we could do an easy tutorial
with the other information I've collected and post it for other Hackerspaces
to build their own cheap TV Station.




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