[hackerspaces] Startup publicity and the MAKE: blog

Sean Bonner seanbonner at gmail.com
Sun Nov 29 20:01:06 CET 2009

On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 5:48 AM, Ron Bean
<bucketworks at rbean.users.panix.com> wrote:
> It was nice to see that Workshop88 got a mention on the MAKE: blog, but
> I've submitted our website before and they've never listed us-- even
> though we're (slightly) further along in our planning than Workshop88
> is. So, what's the secret of getting their attention?
> More to the point, there must be other hackerspaces/makerspaces that are
> in startup-mode and could use the publicity-- and MAKE readers are
> exactly the demographic we're looking for.

You have to remember that sites like MAKE are there to write about
things they think are worth talking about and not as publicity
machines for everyone elses projects. I say that because there is no
"secret" to getting their attention, and they don't write about
something just because it exists. If you've written to them and they
haven't written about your project it's likely they felt it just
wasn't time yet or maybe you weren't giving them enough reason to
write about it.

I don't know what you said, as this applies across many bases, but if
you wrote to them and said anything like "your readers would love to
know about this" or "please tell your readers about us" or "please
write about us" there is a chance you got lumped in with the hundred
of other people who just send them things wanting free publicity and
access to MAKE readers.

Pitches should be directed to the writers, tell them what you are
doing that you think is cool and why you think they might think it is
cool. Trust that they have enough sense to write about things they
think are cool.

So, long story short, if they didn't write about you yet, just wait a
while and submit it again but keep in mind they are doing you a favor
if they write about you and they know it, and there are tons of other
people submitting things all the time so simple existing usually isn't
reason enough to cover something.

Also, never never never say "you covered XXX so you should write about XXX too"

Hope that helps

Sean Bonner
http://www.seanbonner.com - homebase
http://www.metblogs.com - get local
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Sent from Marina Del Rey, CA, United States

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