[foodhackingbase] Kefir

Mofi2001 mofi2001 at gmx.at
Sat Dec 6 12:54:34 CET 2014

hi to all!

I'm Sabine. Frantisek wrote about me in the mailinglist. Two years ago
we took a Kefir grain from him at his workshop in Hamburg and now we
really have a lot of them. They are used to soy milk (we are vegan)

so this year there is no workshop, but I can bring some grains to
Hamburg, maybe someone wants to have one?

And Frantisek asked me to make a workshop. So what do you think about
it? I can only tell how I make it and about my experiences. I wrote a
little handout some time ago (in german), I will send a link to it
later, and maybe I can translate it to english. But my english is not so
gooooodddd! :-) But I will try to make the workshop in english.

I also make Sauerteigbrot (leavened bread) and at the moment I try to
make soy milk and Tofu by myself. So maybe someone else does this also
and we can talk about our experiences in Hamburg. And maybe someone of
you know, what to do with the Molke (soy whey), at the moment I pour it
away when the Kefir is finished.

Greetings from Vienna
Sabine and Gregor

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