[sudoroom] fundraising

Ryan Bethencourt ryan.bethencourt at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 18:58:47 CEST 2012

Hi Tracy,

It was really nice chatting with you on Sunday and I'm also very excited
about a new hackerspace opening up here in downtown Oakland as I'm a new
resident of the city as of about a week ago (I'm also still a member of

One quick question, is there a Facebook invite for the Sudo Room Art Murmur
event? That might help with reminding people and helping other people use
social media to invite their friends (I have a feeling a lot of my friends
in SF and Silicon Valley would be interested).

All the best,

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 6:17 PM, Tracy Jacobs <kinetical at comcast.net> wrote:

> Everyone I talk to about this group and the location, has been super
> excited about it.  It is a very good set-up with low rent and a lot of
> usable space, and room to grow.  The other Oakland Hacker spaces are less
> accessible, and accessibility to Bart is  a big deal to people.  People
> want to be able to get here easily from San Francisco and other places.
>  The neighborhood itself is fun and exciting, which in itself makes the
> place more appealing.  More people means a big space  in a prime location+
> low monthly dues, which I think is ideal for a hacker space.   I get the
> impression that you're all kind of broke, so you might need to bring in
> some more people to make this work.  I'm all for keeping monthly dues at 50
> dollars or less.  Being part of Art Murmur can also be a benefit for
> creative people in the community, and can be used to make some money
> possibly, or to get important ideas across to the public.  I'd like to see
> an event there, like this one on July 6th for Art Murmur, bring some more
> people to the space who are on the list, but not attending meetings.  I'd
> like to see more things happening there other than just meetings, as these
> can get really boring to some people and are not for everyone.
> Are there people who just can't feel good about this space for some
> reason?   Because of the space or how the decision was made to rent it? Or
> is it just a problem with finances?
> I was chatting with Ryan from Bio-curious, who told me they did a
> kickstarter to fund the Bio-curious space.  I guess you already discussed
> that, but I think we should do it.  We can offer memberships for
> kickstarter donations.  It can't hurt to try, and the effort will also
> increase publicity.
> I hope everyone will come out this Friday and make a presence in the
> neighborhood, and enjoy what we have at this time.
> Tracy
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Ryan Bethencourt

Tel: (650) 741-5013
ryan.bethencourt at gmail.com

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