[sudoroom] Meeting Notes from 8/27/12 Meeting

Marina Kukso marina.kukso at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 06:56:40 CEST 2012

Hi everyone,

since there were just a few of us here, we didn't follow our agenda
structure as outlined in the compact, but here are the notes (plus notes
from our friday art murmur planning meetup):

8/27/12 Sudoroom Meeting

attendees: tracy, matt, deno, anthony, marina

Remaining organization needs to begin working:
1) key tasks

   - - fiscal solvency (finish the budget)

   - - bank account

   - - DBA

   - - income/dues:

   - - contract for 2135 broadway

   - - keys

2) build out infrastructure: "put the room in sudo room" event to build out

   - - network/access points

   - - organization/shelving

   - - workbenches/space

   - - lighting and power

   - - online/web (sudosuite, wiki, lists)

3) expand!

Art murmur (notes from Friday meetup at Coyote Counter Culture):

clotheshacking will be in the room between the classroom and the boardroom.
materials needed and secured:

   - - signage for day of event (we have a sandwich board that says
   sudoroom, but no sign that says "clotheshacking")

   - - 3 sewing machines secured (ask sudolist if others have sewing
   machines) - what happens if it gets broken?

   - - check out power outlet situation + tables and chairs

   - - snaps for switches

   - - needles (rachel)

   - - vintage clothes and other supplies like thread and regular fabric

   - - tracy has ordered batteries and battery holders

   - - tracy will send a link to a project she did at makerfaire for

   - - LEDs (anca)

   - - conductive thread (anca)

   - - people should bring clothes!


   - - make posters/flyers...flyer out

   - - signage at the day of the event

   - - make an announce list

   - - make a blog post

   - - put on our calendar

   - - have a computer set up and let people do things?

   - - camera, take picture of people with their things, and post directly
   on pinterest

   - - invite youth uprising youth to come

   - schedule for the day:

- can't do any setup the night before
- 6-9pm - people should come at 6 to help set up (mk has day off so can go
during the day and help/set up)

box office:
- wall piece by scott. he will be at the meeting monday.
- tracy's pieces
- 3d printer demo by milo - let people look in. we  would need a table. can
print things out to put through the letter slot?  milo will bring it and
materials. he will be demoing. possibly on the  theme of bicycles?

the classroom space: hartman (the artist at 2135 broadway) will be using it
to display his work

Other Notes:
- ferrofluids is being reworked, previous approach didn't work, probably
won't be ready for sept. 7
-  patrik is interested in making a big version of the sudo room logo out
of metal, an actual box! if anyone is interested, they should contact  him!
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