[sudoroom] sudo sign the_compact
Jehan Tremback
jehan.tremback at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 15:43:58 CEST 2012
Signed it. Thanks guys, haven't been able to make that many meetings
unfortunately, but this looks really great.
On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 8:54 PM, Matthew Senate <mattsenate at gmail.com>wrote:
> Howdy,
> We are seeking at least 23 persons to ratify our Articles of Association
> as a Compact!
> If you support the Compact, please read it (if you haven't had the chance)
> and sign your name here:
> http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Sudo_room/Compact#Ratification
> Knowing the Compact will help you participate in and collaborate with sudo
> room!
> Please add any notes to improve it in the future here
> http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Sudo_room/Compact_@TODO or here
> http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Talk:Sudo_room/Compact
> // Matt
> A copy of the text is available here:
> Article 0. Name
> *sudo room*
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=5>
> ] Article 1. Purpose
> - *sudo room* is an association of individuals (called "sudoers")
> established to collectively support a creative community and hacker
> space <http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Sudo_room> with corresponding
> values <http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Sudo_room/methodology>.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=6>
> ] Values
> *sudo room* is an open, collaborative community of creators and
> practitioners working toward positive social change. *sudo room* chooses
> to:
> 1. Value open, public discourses over closed, proprietary processes.
> 2. Value access and transparency over exclusivity.
> 3. Value solving real problems over hypotheticals, while respecting
> visions of the future.
> 4. Value community and collaboration over isolation and competition.
> 5. Value human judgment over automation and efficiency.
> 6. Value do-ocracy over bureaucracy.
> 7. Value safe space over ideology.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=7>
> ] Article 2. Membership [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=8>
> ] Section 2.0 Definition
> *sudo room* is a deliberative collective, meaning there is horizontal
> democratic control and participatory management of the organization, which
> is composed of all individual members. However, the group actively strives
> to substantially incorporate interested community participants and
> beneficiaries who are non-members. Members agree to decisions made by *sudo
> room* as well the terms of these Articles of Association and all future
> ammendments.
> By using spaces or services operated by *sudo room*, community
> participants and beneficiaries are obligated to respect all decisions by *sudo
> room* as well as the terms of these articles of association and all
> future amendments.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=9>
> ] Section 2.1 Qualifications for Membership
> - Membership is defined by fulfilling the following requirements:
> 1. Contributing monthly dues (sliding-scale with respect to
> operating costs) or equivalent.
> - It is an express purpose of the group to keep membership rates
> low, and therefore accessible, as well as offer, when possible,
> alternatives to monetary contribution to suffice for monthly dues.
> 2. A status of good standing with the organization.
> - Unresolved debts and/or substantial lapses in respecting the
> values of the organization and its members may result in suspension of
> membership, to be determined by fair process respecting individual rights
> and freedoms and the integrity of community norms.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=10>
> ] Section 2.2 Sudo Functionaries
> As a collective, functionary positions are voluntary roles taken on by
> willing members and intended to change regularly. No person may hold more
> than one position simultaneously, unless permitted by *sudo room*. The
> positions and respective duties are listed below:
> - Facilitator
> - Facilitate meetings by maintaining the agenda and ensuring topics
> are dealt with.
> - Can be replaced at any time by some other member through friendly
> resignation or a simple majority vote. This is a non-confrontational aspect
> of the role to help facilitation proceed as fluidly as possible.
> - Scribe
> - Takes notes during meetings, collaborates with others to include
> their notes in final meeting minutes.
> - Posts notes publicly after each meeting
> - Can be replaced at any time by some other member through friendly
> resignation or a simple majority vote. This is a non-confrontational aspect
> of the role to help note-taking proceed as fluidly as possible.
> - Exchequer
> - Presents the budget during meetings, as articulated in the budget
> process below.
> - Coordinates with Scribe to ensure budget-related information is
> accurate with respect to the budget process below.
> - Can be replaced at any time by some other member through friendly
> resignation or a simple majority vote. This is a non-confrontational aspect
> of the role to help budget-reporting proceed as fluidly as possible.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=11>
> ] Section 2.3 Benefits
> The following are benefits available to all members:
> - Usable assets and resources available within reasonable constraints
> of time and under the condition of sharing.
> - *sudo room* strives to make assets and resources available to as
> many non-member participants and beneficiaries as possible.
> - Note: no personal property should be stored in *sudo room* unless
> a system for personal storage can be provided by *sudo room*.
> - Note: the use of *sudo room* environments for habitation and/or
> domestic use is strongly discouraged unless designated by *sudo room
> *.
> - Approved discounts and services negotiated through the collective
> purchasing power of *sudo room*.
> - Items are up to the discretion of *sudo room* to determine
> through its budgeting and decision-making processes.
> - A *safe space,* which is defined as:
> - "A place where anyone can relax and be fully self-expressed,
> without fear of being made to feel uncomfortable, unwelcome, or unsafe on
> account of biological sex, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender
> identity or expression, cultural background, age, or physical or mental
> ability; a place where the rules guard each person's self-respect and
> dignity and strongly encourage everyone to respect others." on
> Wikipedia <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe-space>.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=12>
> ] Article 3. Decision-Making [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=13>
> ] Section 3.0 Governance
> As a collective, *sudo room* members govern themselves and each retains
> equal rights and mutual responsibilities.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=14>
> ] Sub-Section 3.0.0 Meetings
> - Meetings are held regularly, with sufficient notice for interested
> members to participate.
> - A meeting to conduct official business of sudo room must include at
> least 10 members.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=15>
> ] Sub-Section 3.0.1 Agenda
> Agendas will be initiated with a default structure left open to addition
> until the beginning of the next meeting. Additions to the agenda during the
> meeting require a simple majority to be added, otherwise they are tabled to
> the next meeting.
> Agenda structure:
> 1. Announcements / Updates
> - *Decision Procedure:* Not applicable during meetings.
> - Public announcements may be objected to with timely notice and
> the burden on the objector.
> 2. Fiscal Solvency (Budget)
> - *Decision Procedure:* Automatically approve the budget formed
> using the procedure outlined below. All amendments to the automatic budget
> must be made using a consensus process.
> 3. Enforcement / Conflict Resolution
> - *Decision Procedure:* *Fair Process* described below.
> 4. Proposals for Amendment
> - *Decision Procedure:* Follow *"Amendments" Article * below.
> 5. Endorsements
> - *Decision Procedure:* By consensus.
> - Official *sudo room* endorsements of other events, activities,
> groups, or actions.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=16>
> ] Section 3.4 Enforcement [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=17>
> ] Sub-Section 3.4.0 Process
> The resolution of disputes and disagreements within *sudo room* is
> encouraged through informal process and the spirit of a collaborative
> environment. There is a process, however, by which issues that are not
> resolved informally and that arise within the scope of these articles of
> association, should be considered:
> 1. Conflict resolution is attempted through the facilitation of a
> consenting, neutral, mutually agreed-upon third-party.
> 2. The issue is added to the official *sudo room* wiki to be added to
> the agenda of the next official meeting, save any issues with significant
> privacy concerns.
> 3. At the beginning of each meeting's agenda item on Enforcement and
> Conflict Resolution, all unresolved issues on the wiki will be categorized
> into one of several types. They will be categorized using *consensus*and reflecting
> *sudo room'*s above values. The categories are (in order of decreasing
> severity):
> 1. Membership suspension or termination.
> - *Decision Procedure:* 2/3 vote
> 2. Safe space.
> - *Decision Procedure:* 2/3 vote
> 3. Purely fiscal.
> - *Decision Procedure:* 1/2 vote
> 4. Default.
> - *Decision Procedure:* Consensus
> 5. Positive feedback.
> - *Decision Procedure:* Auto-approval
> 4. The opportunity to represent their perspective is granted to
> each relevant person, and general discussion may be held about the issue.
> 5. A decision is made by *sudo room* to resolve the issue as best as
> possible, according to the values constituting these articles of
> association.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=18>
> ] Sub-Section 3.4.1 Fairness
> Due process in the resolution of conflicts must include:
> 1. the right to an appeal and a fair tribunal
> 2. the presumption of innocence and the respect for privacy; and
> 3. proportionality and effective remedies.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=19>
> ] Section 3.5 Corporate and Tax Status
> The diversity of organizational structures shall be preserved, in order to
> maintain the opportunity for the most effective means of instituting
> incentives for creativity and innovation.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=20>
> ] Section 3.6 Fiscal Solvency [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=21>
> ] Sub-Section 3.6.0 Assets
> - *sudo room* assets are managed through member benefits above and the
> budgeting process below.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=22>
> ] Sub-Section 3.6.1 Budgeting
> *sudo room* employs a transparent, and collaborative budgeting process
> that attempts to reflect the shared values of all members as articulated by
> the group's purpose. The budget is located (insert link here). It is
> managed through the following procedure each month:
> 1. Determine if membership dues can be reduced
> 2. Transparently prioritize budget allocations. (In no particular
> order) allocate income to match expenditures, contribute to standing funds,
> and determine remaining surplus
> 3. Any surpluses that remains will be divided based on member
> contribution and treated as *internal credits* (or a *soft dividend*)
> available for members to:
> 1. Leave to the discretion of *sudo room* to allocate
> 2. Allocate in the budget, at the member's discretion, to various
> available *internal projects* as defined below.
> 3. Provide as future contributions to membership dues.
> - *Note:* there is a substantial distinction for *external projects*as defined below.
> - To ensure stability, *sudo room* must maintain several standing
> funds:
> - 3 months worth of rent + utilities
> - Rainy Day fund (for emergency expenditures)
> - Maintenance fund (for necessary infrastructure replacements)
> - Operations fund (for necessary, small operational expenditures)
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=23>
> ] Sub-Section 3.6.2 Income
> *sudo room* accrues income through several sources, including events,
> crowd-funding initiatives, and membership dues.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=24>
> ] Sub-Section 3.6.3 Dues
> The recommended monthly dues for members is calculated as follows:
> - dues = average over all members of ( 1 month's overhead + a % of any
> defecit in each standing fund + a risk premium (min. 5% of all other dues
> components)
> - For instance, early on, overhead could be (rent + utilities +
> services), in which case dues = (500 + 100 + 20 + (10 + 5 + 0 + 10) + 64) /
> 23 = $30.83 per member
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=25>
> ] Sub-Section 3.6.4 Expenditures
> - Internal Projects
> - Infrastructure, maintenance and improvements.
> - Capital Projects
> - External Projects
> - Not funded this way. Use alternative methods, such as through
> discounts or crowd-funding opportunities offered as Benefits above.
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=26>
> ] Sub-Section 3.6.5 Surplus
> *sudo room* strives to maintain a zero-sum budget, in which there is no
> surplus.
> - Definition: surplus = income - expenditures - standing funds
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=27>
> ] Article 4. Amendments [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=28>
> ] Section 4.1 Process
> The process to ammend these articles of association entails:
> 1. Announcing the proposed amendment, posted:
> - On the official *sudo room* wiki.
> - On the *sudo room* *discussion* email list
> - At least 1 week before the meeting at which a vote on the
> amendment will be held
> 2. Recieving feedback and commentary posted:
> - On the official *sudo room* wiki.
> - On the official *sudo room* anonymous etherpad:
> https://pad.riseup.net/p/sudoroom
> - On any *sudo room* email list.
> 3. Adding an agenda item to an official meeting's agenda.
> - The agenda item includes time to review the feedback, recieve
> in-person feedback, and discuss.
> - *Decision procedure:* Consensus
> [edit<http://hackerspaces.org/w/index.php?title=Sudo_room/Compact&action=edit§ion=29>
> ] Section 4.2 Dissolution / Termination of Association
> Dissolution must be proposed in the same manner as all other amendments to
> these articles. For clarity, the decision procedure will use *consensus*.
> _______________________________________________
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> sudoroom at lists.hackerspaces.org
> http://lists.hackerspaces.org/mailman/listinfo/sudoroom
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