[sudoroom] Notes from Meeting this evening

Matthew Senate mattsenate at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 05:40:55 CEST 2012


3. Movie and Potluck

Eddan went to the future of Technology and Currency as well as the Unmoney
Unconference. Pay-go, mobile payment for stuff. Coffee booth, if you order
it you get free coffee.

+ Movie Night
    - Johnny Mneumonic in the lead
    - then GATTACA
    - PI
    - Matt bringing popcorn + Marina
    - Discussion around Next week's kick-raiser
    - Potluck event carry on-list discussion
    - Announcement on 7:30pm
    - BYOP, BYOF
+ May 4th KickRaiser
    - Ping out to people reporting from hackerspaces
    - Stickers + any other shwag
    - Continue to send out invitation to folks left on list
    - Check in with Square or Intuit or WePay (Eddan will report back at
meeting next week)
    - Formalize agreement with Techliminal
    - Flyers for Art Murmur
        - Secure silkscreens for designer brownbags too
    - Email Marc about webcam for movie Friday
    - Video Capture
    - Victoria working on food.
    - #sudoroom
    - Food trucks -- grilled cheese, waffle/pancake, etc (Matt)
    - Homebrew check-in
    - Reminders + bring stuff (like your foodgoods)
    - Need to create a second "announce" email list.
+ Emails for the list
    - How to get blog posts and projects listed on sudoroom.org
    - How to use the hackerspaces.org wiki.
    - Sudo Room Wednesday Meetup + Ad Hoc Potluck
    - Space Requirements http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Sudo_room/open_a_space
+ Sudo Room soon to have First a Wall
    - First blog post after event is of sticky notes.
+ Updates for Sudo Room and Sudo Space
    - Anca meeting with real estate consultant next week. Her plan is to
move Techliminal by November.
    - Needs to get update from Sudo Room on requirements, needs, wants,
luxuries http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Sudo_room/open_a_space
+ Ping Jenny about Warehouse Guy for events etc.
+ Ping Eddan about electrician willing to trade services for work on his
+ May 1st and Occupy Discussion
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