[SpaceProgram] Introduction & Leightweight probes

Ricky Ng-Adam rngadam at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 03:39:12 CEST 2012

Hello Andreas!

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 2:34 AM, Andreas Sturm <masterstorm123 at gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm new to this hackerspace... Hope I post it on the right spot...
> I'm a DIY-biologist - especially on bioluminescence, thereafter biodiesel
> and meat produced by plants - who is also very interested in space
> exploration. Sadly, there's nothing new about that topic. Constellation
> cancelled...

Meat produced by plants?! Tell me more ^_^ I've been dreaming of perfect
lab-grown steaks for a while ;).

What's your opinion on lightweight crafts? I think this is the only cheap
> way to go, and nowadays it has to be cheap or it gets cancelled...

It certainly sounds like the way to go to build something big with limited
launch capabilities.

My thinking is we need to create the ability to build in space from space
materials self-sustaining habitats. Would it be possible to automate
building of large space hydroponics farms from mining space material or
scavenging space trash for example? I'm personally not very supportive of
getting out of a gravitational well and falling into an other ;).

Are you part of a local community of group of space enthusiasts?

[In any case, it reminds me that we should probably start collecting a good
sample of one page proposals for projects and put them into our HSP Google
Docs folder... Well-defined projects are a good way to gather interest and
move the focus from funding controversy to actually making stuff....]

bye bye,
伍思力 | Ricky Ng-Adam | http://xinchejian.com | (+86) 186-2126-2521
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