[SpaceProgram] Links to Original BAA

Jerry Isdale jerry at mauimakers.com
Sun Apr 8 06:22:52 CEST 2012

Several people has asked for references to the original BAA. I never really read the original BAA myself. The proposal was written for the 100yr Star Ship BAA, and when we didnt win that we were encouranged to resubmit under BAA 11-13.  When I went looking for it just now several of the top links were bad -- I think the archive date may have passed for some.  I did find 

in the FBO Daily...


which lead to the permaLink:


which has a link to the PDF: 


The original 100Yr StarShip RFI is at 


HSP is primarily a meta-organization, serving to coordinate hackerspaces doing space work, and providing grant money to fund projects at the selected member spaces.  Budget calls for about $30k every three months for project funding.  Projects are intended to be quick - with results shown at the end of the 3 month period.

Jerry Isdale

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