[Hacker-event-theory] turning feedback from ohm into learning points

Rejo Zenger rejo at zenger.nl
Sun Apr 6 22:32:49 CEST 2014

++ 05/04/14 20:31 -0400 - Nick Farr:
>I also meant to say that the .NL folk should EMbed themselves into these
>teams as much as they can.
>The driving reason behind this list was that so much of that institutional
>knowledge is lost, even on those who actively do it.

So, it would be a good thing to have Dutch hackers participate in the 
CCC teams right now (e.g. next CCC Congress and/or CCC Camp). They can 
do this without committing to run the next Dutch camp, but in case they 
do, they Dutch and German teams are known to each other. And IFCAT may 
or should support Dutch hackers helping out the German teams, don't you 

Rejo Zenger
E rejo at zenger.nl  P +31(0)639642738  W https://rejo.zenger.nl  T @rejozenger
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