[foodhackingbase] A Fermentationlab in Brussels is seeking connections

Ferment Hings fermenthings at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 13:38:42 CEST 2017

Hello fellow fermenters,

I'm Yannick and i recently opened a shop in Brussels only around
Fermentation <http://www.facebook.com/fermenthingslab> called Fermenthings.
We work only with local producers and sell everything we can find and
appreciate around fermentation. We are starting now our second phase and
that is a Fermentation Lab, based on the principles of the Fablab, Biolab
or foodlabs, we want an OpenSource space where people can experiment, try
out new things and come  to learn from each other. I got in touch with your
project through people from Edgeryders and would really love to learn more
about your movement.

Looking forward to the response,
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