[foodhacking] call for food focused global hackathon 14-16 of February, what do you think?

Frantisek Apfelbeck algoldor at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 16 17:03:03 CET 2014

This post got bit delayed because of too many recipients so here it goes again :-)

Hi to all,
I wonder if people would be happy to participate in a Global Hackathon on 14-16th of February which would be focused on food, drink and bio 
hacking. We will  be finishing our Food Hacking tour in that time being 
physically in ProgressBar in Slovak Republic, having the last few days 
for our crowdsourcing campaign, more info on the tour etc, you can find 
here, the hackathon is not in yet


We will get in touch with hackerspaces which we have visited so far, there maybe therefore around 10 hackerspaces if not more involved to start 

Please let me know what do you think about this idea, I've left the topic quite open so it is more or less "white board" and people can be creative, 
which I like :-) I would definitely like to see few video streams going 
out, some workshops, dinners etc. but as I said open topics.

If we could decide in a next few days, I would announce it on a hackerspaces.org list and we can start to organise.

Talk to you all soon,

from VoidWarranties in Antwerpen,

Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck

biotechnologist&kvasir and hacker


"There is no way to peace, peace is the way." Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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