[Finance] Startup Costs

Dan Hess dan9186 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 15:42:37 CEST 2010

We've yet to move into a location as we're shopping around, currently we're
planning roughly $1500 for first/last months rent, $1500 for rainy day funds
to smooth out the times where there may be excess vs not enough members, and
probably not even $1000 in furniture and other move in costs.

I think that you'll find that anything you think you just really need, your
group will find a rather creative way to obtain it while keeping the costs
down.  Necessity is the mother of invention.  We want pretty much all of
those same things you've listed, but are certain to be obtained over time
and after we've moved in.  There's plenty of hacking/making that can go on
in a shop that doesn't have an excess of tools and I would personally think
you wouldn't want to stave all of the growth of the group that comes with
having a space for lack of some equipment.


- Copying one is plagiarism, copying many is research.

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Leigh Honeywell <leigh at hypatia.ca> wrote:

> On 10-10-25 03:05 PM, Grant Henninger wrote:
> > A few friends and I are looking at starting up our own hackerspace.
> >  We've tried to think through what we'll need to buy in order to get our
> > place up and running, but I'm sure we're leaving things out.  For those
> > of you who have been through this process before, what were your startup
> > costs?
> Our costs were just under $3000 for first/last months' rent, plus about
> $1000 on furniture at Ikea.  You can probably save on the latter by
> spending some quality time with Craigslist, but at the time we just
> really wanted to get some desks and shelving and be done with it :)
> -Leigh
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