[hackerspaces] Rebuilding Tashkeel3D makerspace in Gaza

Tarek Omar tarek.alsabagh at gmail.com
Sat May 22 14:51:40 CEST 2021

Hi Everyone,

I am forwarding the below message that was origianlly sent by my friend and
a palestinian maker Samer Shawar to another network mailing list and I
thought some people here will be interested to help.

Thank you,
Cairo Hackerspace

Dear All,

Enclosed, you will find the plan from Mohammad Abu Matar to rebuild
the Tashkeel3D maker space that was destroyed due to an Israeli airstrike
at the building where they had their maker space.

There is already a campaign that is running and we can join efforts
together to help.

I will arrange an online meeting with him in the next few days and you are
all welcome to join to share experiences and ask questions.

The campaign link is here:

I also include some photos from the demolished site and what is really left
from all their work.

Thank you, everyone!

Best regards,
Samer Shawar




 Rebuilding Tashkeel3D Lab.pdf
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