[hackerspaces] RFC: ROBÖXOTICA Starterkit

j. grenzfurthner/monochrom (das ende der nahrungskette) jg at monochrom.at
Sat Dec 10 12:31:41 CET 2016

As the organizer of Roboexotica, I highly approve of this message!


At 10:44 PM 12/9/2016, you wrote:
>hi there! you know roböxotica [0] right? the 
>worlds leading cocktail robotics festival that 
>happens every year in vienna/austria. it's 
>GREAT. if you have the time, come by it is 
>happening RIGHT NOW [1] till sunday. -- 
>yesterday we had an outstandig night there and 
>the idea for an open source cocktail robot 
>platform was born. something that i can give to 
>a noob and that basically just works, but is 
>100% hackable and well documented the idea is 
>that you have a cheap starterkit with an arduino 
>compatible microcontroller board, some 
>peristaltic pumps, various inputs and outputs, a 
>relay board and whatever else can be included on 
>the cheap. think: leds, buttons, buzzer.. my 
>ideas for the board so far are: - it should have 
>multiple digital input pins - it should have 
>some analog inputs - a WS2812 header for the 
>blinkies - a switch/jumper to ENABLE the board 
>(think of coin operated device) - a switch to 
>trigger the actual cocktail making routine - i2C 
>and SPI on dedicated headers - a functioning 
>arduino library for the board with examples for 
>each function what do you think should be 
>included? what functionality is needed in many 
>designs and cheap enough for a <30 USD 
>starterkit ? thanks for your ideas! :* -flo [0] 
>http://www.roboexotica.org/ [1] 
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