[hackerspaces] Project storage

John Benedetto john.benedetto at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 18:25:36 CET 2015

Two parts here at Quelab - first is that members "should" store their stuff
in a tote on the shelves designated for that.  Often that won't work,
depending on what it is - many projects won't fit into such a tote, and
some supplies won't either - 2X4's, plywood, or sheets of acrylic for the
laser cutter, etc.  We could use some more shelves, and (of course) better

The second part is implementing parking tags & tickets, based on Twin
Cities - http://www.tcmaker.org/wiki/index.php?title=Tags_and_Tickets
(which is inspired by work at i3 in Detroit).  Even that suffers from bad
enforcement, mainly policing the existing permits & reminding members their
stuff shouldn't sit around without progress.  Honestly, I am a terrible
offender at that, though I rationalize it because many of my projects are
not personal projects & meant for the space (my giant jenga set, still in
the middle of sanding, sanding, sanding) or infrastructure projects (like
rehabbing a tool for the shop).

We had discussed a policy similar to London's three weeks & it's out
initially for stuff left in the main room, but then it drifted into dealing
with the donation dropzone and how stuff piles up in there if no one
polices it.  Our treasurer recently mentioned it again, as he visited
London last year, and came back full of enthusiasm while I was full of
jealousy at his being able to go over for such visit.   :-)

Thanks for posting the links to Dallas & London's policies

JT in sunny Albuqueque

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 2:34 PM, Dave <tallycast at gmail.com> wrote:

> We have recently moved to a smaller space and while we don't officially
> open until April 1st, we are already running into problems with uncompleted
> projects and supplies being left in the space.  How do other spaces deal
> with this issue?
> Thanks,
> David from Making Awesome/
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