[hackerspaces] AGMs?

Shirley Hicks shirley at velochicdesign.com
Sun Feb 1 16:22:32 CET 2015

Good morning everyone,

Our Birmingham makerspace is approaching another milestone, the planning and running of our first annual general meeting (AGM).

I've done AGMs before, but not in the United States (where we are).
The ones I've attended/helped run/organized included:

A financial report for the past year
-- a vote of acceptance required by voting membership.
The current year budget 
-- a vote of approval required by the voting membership, with comments or required adjustments logged in the minutes.
Presentation & discussion of the current financial & long term plans
Any other important matters of business
Any required board position votes (we've structured ourselves to have two board votes/year, with half the board members changing at any one vote, and a maximum of three years of service in any one position, so as to ensure churn).

Does your hackerspace or makerspace do an AGM?
And what are the things you ensure that you cover?

Lastly - any pointers to model documents for US non-profit requirements? The non-profit guide that we've been using doesn't have sample documents for this. 


Shirley Hicks
Red Mountain Makers Secretary
Birmingham, AL.

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