[hackerspaces] Safe Space Policies?

matt matt at nycresistor.com
Mon Jan 27 06:42:09 CET 2014

did you just mansplain mansplaining to someone or does it stop being
mansplaining when it's not mansplained to a woman?

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 12:37 AM, Al Billings <albill at openbuddha.com> wrote:

> Are you familiar with the term, “mansplaining?” It is what happens to a
> lot of women in a technical context (or otherwise) when a man figures he
> needs to tell a woman how to do something because she’s doing it wrong (the
> subtext being: because she’s a woman and therefore not technical like the
> man).
> I just found it ironic that there is an immediate quibble (that wasn’t
> even material) that involved one of the strident, male objectors to having
> an anti-discrimination policy telling the woman collecting a survey how she
> wasn’t doing it right.
> Al
> ------------------------------
> From: Red Davies Red Davies <noiddicle at gmail.com>
> So on the basis of my gender I'm not allowed to express an opinion on how
> data is solicited and collected?  le sigh.
> --
> Al Billings
> http://makehacklearn.org
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