[hackerspaces] question about hackerspace hourly rate, what do you think

David Francos me at davidfrancos.net
Thu Dec 19 21:43:42 CET 2013

2013/12/19 Florencia Edwards <floev22 at gmail.com>

> Thanks dave for your answer . Alan, I agree on the community, but i'm
> thinking this hour rates for a virtual community we have but don't have the
> money to spend on a whole month in the makerspace, but for sure would do it
> if it was for hours (less money and time).  to use some tools. So the
> community exists, we have  a forum  and we are friends, but they just don't
> have the money. I don't know what to do to include them

Why not simply doing a special price for people with less resources?
If you've got a strong community, consult with them, most probable thing is
they'll be ok paying more than people who couldn't affor the hackerspace
We at Dlabs Hackerspace (Spain) did that for a while, and those members
ended up paying the full wage when they could. We've got even a
free-comunity member that donates material and hours of his time to the
hackerspace instead of money.

Things are a bit different, we've got 450€ of full outcome (and 330 of
regular income + donations + beer + paid talks / events, that are given /
organished by volunteers). Remember that there are more ways to provide for
a hackerspace than just memberships =)
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