[hackerspaces] question about hackerspace hourly rate, what do you think

Florencia Edwards floev22 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 19 20:23:17 CET 2013

So we want or makerspace to have more people daily, knowing the feel of
being here . Also we are losing money every day so if we don't do something
about it we'll have to close eventually. Some times people are't willing to
take from their pockets once a moth reasonable amount, that all together
seems a lot and hurts. It hurts more than giving two dollars a day,
something we don't even notice. Also a lot of people come here to sit in
and don't collaborate, don't give anything back to the space, don't pay the
membership. And staff wages are awful.

This is why I thought of the hourly rate, for people that can't pay for the
month and want to do small fixes or tweaks to their projects, so we can
have more people at the space, and people that sit in can contribute
hourly.  Do you think it could work or could it be even worse for the
hacker space and it's sustainability

Please help!

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