[hackerspaces] ToorCamp- Keynotes: Joe Grand & George Dyson, CFP Ending, & Pre-Reg Increasing!

David Hulton david at toorcon.org
Thu Jun 21 22:36:34 CEST 2012


ToorCamp is a five-day open-air event for hackers, makers, breakers,
and shakers. ToorCamp is where you get together with the rest of the
best in a relaxing, beautiful atmosphere, and exchange ideas with the
brightest technology experts from around the world. The camp has
everything you need: power, internet, food and fun. Bring your tent,
bring a friend – and get ready to reunite and reignite with really
smart people, just like you.


Want to stake your claim? Organize a campsite! Hackerspaces and groups
can request sectioned off parts of the camp to build their own
structures, show off their projects, host parties and events, and
whatever they feel like doing to contribute to ToorCamp. Help make the
camp awesome by getting your friends together and planning a campsite!


We want to send you to ToorCamp, so we're giving away a ticket to the
event. Entering the contest is easy: Just "Like" the ToorCon Page.
Don't do the Facebook? We gotcha covered: Just tweet out this message
"I want to win a ticket to or a cabin at @toorcamp"

Already bought your ticket? We gotcha covered here too. If the winner
already has purchased a ticket, we'd like to reward you for your
loyalty. Instead of giving you another ticket, we'll give you a cabin!
That's right: A cabin for you and your friends to use. The cabins have
electricity, running water, shower/bathroom, a kitchen, living room
(with fold-out couch), and bedroom. The cabins are normally a $2,500
value, and give you more amenities than sleeping in a tent (but we
won't stop you if you still want to sleep outside).

Want to increase your chances of winning? The cabins sleep more than
just you, so of course you'll be inviting your friends to share the
cabin and its facilities. Tell your friends to enter too, and they'll
share the cabin with you. That way, if one of you wins, all of you

DETAILS: Enter by liking the Facebook page or by Tweeting the phrase
"I want to win a ticket to or a cabin at @toorcamp". One winner will
be selected by random. Contest will end at 11:59PM on July 5th. Winner
will be announced on KIRO-FM's GeekWire. Winner will receive 1 (one)
ticket to ToorCamp ($200 value). If the winner has already purchased a
ticket prior to contest's end, prize will be upgraded to 1 (one) Cabin
at ToorCamp. ($2,500 value)


We're very proud to announce the keynote speakers for this year's
ToorCamp, Joe Grand & George Dyson.

As many of you probably already know, Joe Grand, also known as
Kingpin, was a member of L0pht Heavy Industries, is a prolific
hardware designer as the head of Grand Idea Studio, and was recently a
star on the Discovery Channel show Prototype This! Joe Grand will be
bridging the gap between the Hacker and Maker cultures in his talk
where he will discuss his experience over the years to show us what
the definition of a "Hacker" really is.

George Dyson, a Northwest native, is an author, inventor, and
historian of technology. He is the author of Darwin Among the
Machines, Project Orion: The Atomic Spaceship, and most recently
Turing's Cathedral where he focuses his books on the history of the
development of technology from computing to atomic energy to space
travel. Growing up as the son of Freeman Dyson, the famous physicist
and mathematician, George grew up immersed in of the birth of
computing, atomic energy, and space travel but also was a rebel --
moving to Canada in his youth and building his own kayaks and
researching historic voyages and the native peoples. We think George
will provide a unique perspective of where technology has been, where
it's headed, and how to escape from it all when you need a break.


Pre-registration is going up from $200 to $250 on July 1st, so
pre-register today at http://toorcamp.org/register.


Want to share? We encourage you to submit a Talk or a Workshop idea to
us. We are accepting 50-minute, 20-minute, and lightning talks as well
as workshops of any length. For those that just want to work on a
project with others, we are also providing resources for participants
to organize hacking sessions. Talks can range from hacking and
breaking new technologies to orienteering, philosophy, cooking,
politics, etc. We will consider any talk that you think would be
interesting for an intelligent audience of geeks like you. The CFP is
closing on July 1st so submit a talk today!


Want a roof? We have a limited number of cabins available for ToorCamp
that we can provide to sponsors, campsites, and attendees. If you are
interested in a cabin, please send us an email with a brief
explanation of your plans for the cabin so we can place you in the one
that’s most suitable to your needs.


PRE-REGISTER: at http://toorcamp.org/registration.

SUBMIT A TALK OR WORKSHOP: at http://toorcamp.org/cfp

ORGANIZE A CAMPSITE: please fill out the sign-up form at
http://toorcamp.org/campsite-signup and make sure to create a wiki
page for your campsite at
http://wiki.toorcamp.org/wiki/Category:Campsites. Email campsite
questions to campsites at toorcon.org.

CABIN REQUEST: please email cabins at toorcon.org for more information.

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: We are currently looking for sponsors for
the camp. If you’re interested in sponsoring a party, event, food, or
just for getting a sponsored cabin you can throw your own party,
please email sponsor at toorcon.org.

GENERAL INFORMATION: ToorCamp 2012 info can be found at
www.toorcamp.org. If you have any other questions about the camp,
please email organizers at toorcon.org.

JOIN OUR MAILING LIST: keep up to date on ToorCamp 2012 announcements
and planning and sign up at http://groups.google.com/group/toorcamp.

Hobuck Beach Resort
Neah Bay, WA
August 8th-12th 2012

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