[hackerspaces] will the fruits of our labors be used for, good or for evil?

Al Jigen Billings albill at openbuddha.com
Wed Nov 30 05:16:43 CET 2011

Again with the bullshit strawman.

I'm not responding to you after this. You clearly want to make up your 
own argument to have.

This is about taking money, directly, from the DoD for projects that you 
and your hackerspace do. That's it. Nothing else. Got it now?


On 11/29/11 8:15 PM, ellrabin wrote:
> As for not taking checks from DoD suppliers, how many companies in 
> this country does that eliminate? How do you even know if any 
> particular company has had contracts with the US or any other government?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From: * Al Jigen Billings <albill at openbuddha.com>;
> *To: * ellrabin <ellrabin50 at yahoo.com>;
> *Cc: * discuss at lists.hackerspaces.org <discuss at lists.hackerspaces.org>;
> *Subject: * Re: [hackerspaces] will the fruits of our labors be used 
> for, good or for evil?
> *Sent: * Wed, Nov 30, 2011 4:04:47 AM
> On 11/29/11 7:56 PM, ellrabin wrote:
>> The DOD launches almost all US satellites. Don't wanna support them? 
>> Cancel your dish network subscription.
>  How about I just not build satellites for them?
>> Interstate highways were a defense project too. Might want to avoid 
>> those.
> I don't see anyone taking DoD funds to work on them.
> I know reading comprehension is hard.
> Feel free to pimp yourself to the Army or other war departments if it 
> makes you feel good. The rest of us still have some soul left.
> Thanks.
> Al

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