[hackerspaces] Now I am totally depressed...

Yves Quemener quemener.yves at free.fr
Wed Mar 3 19:05:59 CET 2010

Hank The Curmudgeon a écrit :
> Go and find the "Popular Mechanics" issues from around 1930 (Google
> "page" 31 at the bottom of the main search page, linked below) and
> move forward. Grab a random issue and check the index. I am
> specifically referring to the project pages. Though the ads and
> feature articles are fun toothey are not the subject of my mini rant.
> Look at the stuff that we built in our home shops. What the hell
> happened to us? Where did we, as a nation of inventors, dreamers,
> builders and makers, go astray??? 
It looks like hackaday to me. I don't think any spirit went astray.

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