[hackerspaces] Starting a Hackerspace - Buffalo NY

Seth Hardy shardy at aculei.net
Mon May 4 16:45:17 CEST 2009

> We are trying to get a Hackerspaces started in Buffalo, NY, USA.
> Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

if you want to come visit us at hacklab.to up in toronto, we're not that 
far! we'd be happy to show you around, maybe give you some ideas and 
answer any questions you may have. there's a lot that goes into the 
process of starting up a space (but it's definitely worth it!).

- seth

seth hardy: shardy at aculei.net * 647.890.1452 * www.aculei.net/~shardy
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	"God is not on the side of the heavy battalion,
		but on the side of the best shot."  -- Voltaire
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