[sudoroom] member list and record of member income by month

Marina Kukso marina.kukso at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 03:35:44 CET 2012

yet another google doc!

instead of having the record of member income buried on tab 7 of the fiscal
solvency sheet (
we put together a gdoc that has a list of members (copied from the compact)
and a month by month record of member dues (copied from the fiscal solvency
sheet as of 12/16).

please find it here:

i'd propose that people who ask how to become a member add themselves to
this list and begin contributing via 1) check made out to sudo room 2) cash
to anthony di franco, sudo room's exchequer (easiest on wednesday night
meetings) 3) donate via wepay on sudoroom.org

i'd like to add this info to the wiki but not sure where..thinking about an
onboarding section..

- marina
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