[foodhackingbase] Website

Frantisek Apfelbeck algoldor at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 12 20:54:37 CET 2014

Hi to all,
I hope to answer some of the questions in the emails which I feel fit, the rest I will leave to the people who are more experienced on the subject. I will also put in my opinion because based on the past experience many of the things I'd to do by myself sooner or later and having the ability/privilege was crucial. 

### Less spam = waste of time better. I'm fine with registration and email confirm first before anyone can edit. I'd prefer to have lovely community of people who can freely sign in and do whatever lovely edits they want but so far the spam was horrible, I do not want to go through that any time soon - lots of people are poking me telling me how much our pages are spammed, not fun

### Multiple admins options - Christian (mwfc) did actually more job than some of you may know, lately playing quite a bit around. Even if everything was "perfect", I think that having several people with ability to do the admin jobs is better option for the future. It brings some other issues but well that would me my choice. Christian set up stuff and paid for everything as a temporary option, now is the time to move forward I think. We need to get in touch with him concerning more info which is needed and which some of you mentioned as handy in the previous emails. 

### Media wiki good - I would like to stick to media wiki even if it is more spam protection demanding, if the others agree and it looks like that people would be OK with that I would like to continue with media wiki, so it looks like that this is going to be the way.

### Where to host our media wiki - Please discuss and consent on a decent host which would allow us to host our wiki pages prefereably for longer preriod of time (years), not too expensive and with sufficient admin rights for several people who will need the access. How much admin work would be needed to keep the stuff running is up to you to decide, it is not my field, be reasonable and listen to each other hopefully you will all keep involved so it will be partly your job (and my one in the future too I need to improve).

### What is next? So who and how much should pay for whatever service? Anyone donating money? If not it will be covered from our budget. After that:

- media wiki installation? 
- captcha and all the security spam protection installation?
- admin rights share (few people like Ingo, Webmind, me etc.)?
- me manually uploading the data from previous wiki?
- putting the pages online?
- "directing" the traffic to the new server where the new wiki is? (I'll ask our registrar to do the changes once they are clearly worded)
- have the wiki online by 20/1/2014 - is it doable?

### Is this sufficient, reasonable?

### Many thanks for all info and output, we are on the road so trying to keep up to date is sometimes bit harder.

### Sincerely from Techinc,

### FAA

Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck

biotechnologist&kvasir and hacker


"There is no way to peace, peace is the way." Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

On Sunday, January 12, 2014 8:10 PM, Steffen Beyer <steffen at beyer.io> wrote:
On Sun, 12 Jan 2014 18:23:17 +0100, webmind wrote:
>> With the reCaptcha plugin... I don't know how many people want to use
>> google based services with that wiki?
> I'd rather not, but I won't be a big user anyway.

Are you more concerned regarding availability or regarding tracking? 
When only requiring it for new user registration, you won't see it that 
often anyway.

Can QuestyCaptcha be used to guard user registration?

How about following the Cookipedia advice¹, leaving out any captcha for 

Steffen Beyer <steffen at beyer.io>


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