[Finance] startup help from Govt

Jerry Isdale isdale at gmail.com
Fri Oct 29 20:35:22 CEST 2010

I'm not sure how applicable this is to other areas, but out here in Maui, the county and state govt has several programs to help small businesses and non-profits get started and better themselves.   The Maui County Business Resource Center and the state Small Business Dev Center have a lot of services and resources.  The Maui Economic Opportunities and Maui Econ Dev Board are two other orgs that offer classes, space, etc to startups and non-profits.   We are an economically depressed area with very little industry (tech is actually #2 behind tourism, followed by agriculture).

I urge other spaces to dig around your county/city/state resources on the web and find these.  They can be a big help.  Also SCORE (http://www.score.org) offers workshops and local advisors as well as online resources for small biz consulting for very low cost/free.   Score advisors are generally executives and other successful managers from industry trying to give back to community.  Note they are already biz/tech/community/active minded people.  Just the sort that might find a hacker/maker space of *personal* interest and become a member.

jerry isdale

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