[hackerspaces] Differences between hackerspaces and fablabs

Mark Scrano mscrano at ieee.org
Mon May 12 21:36:47 CEST 2014

Well it is clear in the article that a FabLab is a trademarked name and
more of a franchise.  In my eyes a hackerspace is a genre and the FabLab is
an implementation of such an entity.  The specifics from the article
indicate that there is a specific set of tools required to be able to
fabricate and those are what make up a FabLab.  It is obvious to me that a
hackerspace has more people oriented towards the technology/programming
side of things and makers/fabricators on getting their hands dirty.
 Different modes of operation for different folks.  In local circles we
have a definite segregation of the artist/crafting folks and the software
developers/information security folks that are playing with completely
different tools.
Mark S.

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 3:22 PM, Florencia Edwards <floev22 at gmail.com>wrote:

> I read this article:
> http://makezine.com/2013/05/22/the-difference-between-hackerspaces-makerspaces-techshops-and-fablabs/
> But I still don't understand the difference between a hackerspace and a
> fablab, and why is there the need for both. What does the fablab cover that
> a hackerspace doesn't? I want to understand
> Please tell me your opinions.
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