[hackerspaces] Differences between hackerspaces and fablabs

Ben Brown ben at generik.ca
Mon May 12 21:36:29 CEST 2014

(I'm sure I'll receive all sorts of flak for this...)

I tend to use makerspace and hackerspace interchangeably, while a
techshop is a commercial workshop and a fablab is a space (non-profit or
otherwise) that conforms to the MIT CBA's design and philosophy. The
primary difference that makes hacker/maker spaces stand out from the
other two is the emphasis on community and knowledge sharing.

Kwartzlab was founded as a hackerspace.. somewhere along the way we
started to call ourselves a makerspace simply because it sounded more
accessible to the general public (and to potential donors/grant givers).
You can only try and explain the difference between hackerspace 'hacker'
and movie 'hacker' so many times.


On 5/12/2014 3:22 PM, Florencia Edwards wrote:
> I read this
> article: http://makezine.com/2013/05/22/the-difference-between-hackerspaces-makerspaces-techshops-and-fablabs/
> But I still don't understand the difference between a hackerspace and
> a fablab, and why is there the need for both. What does the fablab
> cover that a hackerspace doesn't? I want to understand 
> Please tell me your opinions. 
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