[sudoroom] Sparse Meeting Notes

Matthew Senate mattsenate at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 06:42:06 CEST 2012


Anthony, Evan, Jenny, Leon, Deno, Hol, Eric, Praveen, Jae, Aestetix, Matt

* Leon started http://www.ligertail.com/
* If a wiki worked for building a car ten thousand times more efficiently,
could it work for a village?
** http://eudea.liminoidforest.org/index.php/Main_Page
* Chris - California Cannibis Consulting "So if you need to grow some dope,
call me."
** 953 West MacArthur, near Emeryville / Home Depot. They have welding and
various industrial apparatuses.
** May be able to do some trade usage
* Jay is going to build a version of the rep-rap 3D printers.
** Also interested in bio-hacking
* Cryptoparty - 14th of October (tentatively)
** Aestetix scoped Tech Liminal (the venue), all is gravy!

Reminder the CCC (Chaos Computer Club) Congress in Germany - submit a talk
by the end of this month:

HackMeet - October 19th-21st http://hackmeet.org/

Science Hack Day - Nov 3-4 http://sciencehackday.com/

Sudo Room Notes for opening a space:

Report spaces you find to: https://hackerspaces.crowdmap.com/
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