[sudoroom] Fwd: Call for Artists: Interactive Art and High Tech Fashion! ( Pants Interface Release Party and ???)

Jenny Ryan jenny at thepyre.org
Thu Sep 13 23:22:26 CEST 2012

Of interest?
Also, are you working at Port Workspaces today?


 "Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: rachel lyra hospodar <rachelyra at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 1:04 PM
Subject: [sudoroom] Fwd: Call for Artists: Interactive Art and High Tech
Fashion! ( Pants Interface Release Party and ???)
To: Sudoroom <sudoroom at lists.hackerspaces.org>

Hi Sudos!  Forwarding along a call for artists I am doing for my upcoming
Kickstarter fulfillment party.  Let me know if you want to get involved!


Call for Artists: Interactive Art and High Tech Fashion! ( Pants Interface
Release Party and ???)

Hiya dear ones!  I hope you are all doing really well.  Pandora's Trunk
putting together an interactive art party.  Things are wide open at this
point but of course i do have some ideas.  I'd be excited if you want to
get involved, in any way.  It will be an interactive/ high-tech art &
design party, content of course depending on who gets involved.  It will
also be a project release party for Pants Interface
(http://pantsinterface.com), an open-source wearable controller.

The milestone we have reached on the Pants Interface project is
intermediate, but we are fulfilling the Kickstarter and I get to start
making the next step (an actual keyboard!) so I am super stoked.  The
sewn circuit long-distance wearable interface signaling device
do-it-yourself kit is ready.  Wait, what the fuck does it do again? It's
like a remote control for anything (made out of fabric).  In a pair of
pants (or anything really).  Do you want to be a part of its coming-out
party? Do you have something that we can trigger with our pants?

It will be fun.  There will be wine and yummy food.  Open source art
poster giveaways.  You will meet people whose brains are so sharp they
will make your eyes bleed (in the good way).

These are the dates I am considering, in order from current favorite to
least favorite.  *Any feedback on dates is welcome*.

Thu Nov 1st
Sat Nov 3rd
Thu Nov 15th
Sat Nov 10th

Not sure on venue yet but I have an idea.  Most likely central SF, and
in keeping with the interactive nature of the work being shown I am
thinking of something less like a theater, and more like a reception
hall or salon setting.  I'd love a co-producer if anyone is into that.

Let me know what you think, and if you want to get involved in any way!



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