[sudoroom] meeting minutes

Marina Kukso marina.kukso at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 18:45:11 CEST 2012

hi everyone,

i'd like to get started planning the mythical summit of the
clans<http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=466544> on
Oct. 27th wherein we bring together different groups who may be interested
in being a part of a federated sudoroom.

i know we all felt a lack of google docs, so i've taken the liberty of
creating a new one that will help us determine interest and needs of the
folks who will be coming to the event:
modify the doc if i've forgotten any key questions.

a few things:

   - i know i want to call it the summit of the
   but others may have other ideas. what should the event be called?
   - it would be great to have the space open for people to tour - eddan,
   any word from george on whether we can have it open on Oct. 27th? (we'd
   also like to be able to go up there and take pictures to send around before
   the event)
   - i've added a couple groups who may potentially be interested - if you
   know any others, please feel free to add them.

Here's a draft invitation letter:

"Sudo Room, a new hacker/creativespace in downtown Oakland, is rapidly
outgrowing its current space at 2135 Broadway. We have an opportunity to
move into a much larger space in the same building, but the space is too
large (exact size?) for our current needs. We are interested in determining
whether there are other groups who may be interested in being a part of a
federated space and sharing the burden of the monthly rent.

If you are interested in meeting with others to tour the space, determine
needs, and discuss details, please join us for a [*SUMMIT OF THE CLANS*] on
Oct. 27th at noon. If you have time, we encourage you to take a look at
this google doc (
will allow you to enter in details of the kind of space you would be
interested in, the size of the space your group would require, the amount
of rent your group would be able to afford, etc.

Do let us know if you're interested - we'd love to see how we can all work
together to build a community of collaboration in Oakland."

all thoughts welcome,

On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 10:23 PM, Matthew Senate <mattsenate at gmail.com>wrote:

> 10/10/2012
> Attendees: Anthony, Evan, Garrett, Heather, Ryan B, Eddan, Len, Jae,
> Anthony (ADF), Eric, Marina, Matt
> Notes:
>    1. Announcements
>    1. Alternative Press Expo (APE) in SF this weekend Oct 13-14.
>    1. Banking needs some payment solution(s)
>    1. http://cryptoparty.eventbrite.com
>    1. Hack Meet this weekend,
>    1. East Bay Mini Maker Faire is Sunday Oct 16
>    1. http://eastbayminimakerfaire.eventbrite.com
>    1. Costume-hack night Tuesday 10/16 and Friday 10/19 at 7:30pm.
>    1. Open Science Summit next next weekend? Sponsors.
>    1. Discussion of space
>    1. George called Eddan while out of town, opportunity to move in to
>    large space upstairs. The space is split up into different rooms. Includes
>    a bio-appropriate area.
>    1. Would need to raise real money asap.
>    1. Need to see and take pictures of the space already.
>    1. There is a mailing list specifically for talkin about the space:
>    http://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudospaces
>    1. Ace Monster Toys is looking for another space, they may have one in
>    mind? Need to clarify communication
>    1. Idea:
>    1. Bring all the interested parties together so that we can actually
>    figure out how this space rental federation is going to work.
>    1. Need lists of questions to determine move-in requirements and find
>    partners who will work. Direct potential members of the federation to our
>    compact, have them fill in their interests and resources into a spreadsheet.
>    1. *Date for meeting: October 27th at noon (potluck, vegan would be
>    chill, [but not necessary?])*
>    1. Anthony's party bus will make an appearance
>    1. Occupy Oakland Birthday, at Snow Park, solid event (report from
>    Ryan)
>    1. LASTLY: a number of sudo-related projects looking for collaborators
>    1. Need help importing Mediawiki
>    1. Wordpress
>    1. sudosuite
>    1. Eric's metalworking space is at 953 West MacArthur near Home Depot
>    1. We can now make our own listservs, proposed listservs are below.
>    (alternately, just email the entire list indicating that you are looking
>    for interested parties on x topic. proposed listservs/topics:
>    1. metalworking
>    1. algorithm
>    1. art murmur
>    1. Fiscal Solvency
>    1. We need to resolve WePay account and get income from dues, etc.
>    1. Competitive prices to other services, such as Stripe.
>    1.
>    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At_6qzhQZBX8dHU0bWZaNkxpSkcyeG5WMVRwMVQ4aWc#gid=0
>    1. Pay your dues!!!! make checks payable to sudo room.
> _______________________________________________
> sudoroom mailing list
> sudoroom at lists.hackerspaces.org
> http://lists.hackerspaces.org/mailman/listinfo/sudoroom
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