[sudoroom] Meeting Minutes including Action Items

victoria bogdan.victoria at gmail.com
Fri May 18 21:05:45 CEST 2012

I tried my best to put the *income notes* in the Wiki! I am not the a
master-level Wiki user, though, so if anyone wants to make the formatting
prettier, or add more info, please do!

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:48 PM, Matthew Senate <mattsenate at gmail.com>wrote:

> Event at The Holdout on Cell Phone Security (a Hackmeet production):
> http://sudoroom.org/ai1ec_event/hackmeet-2-5-cell-phone-security-for-noobs
> Minutes (Agenda and Notes) -
> Most critical aspect (Who makes decisions) -
> http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Sudo_room/decisions#Who_makes_decisions.3F
> Property listings (Former and currently available places for sudo room) -
> http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Sudo_room/open_a_space#Options.2FSources
> ACTION ITEM FOR EVERYONE (more action items at bottom of this email):
> Translate the following minutes to the wiki, and build off of them! -
> http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Sudo_room
> http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Sudo_room/05-16-2012_Meetup
> *In attendance:*
> Jenny, Timon, Rachel, Eddie, Victoria, Marina, Micheal, Greg, Eddan, Matt
> *Agenda*
> 0. Introductions
> 1. Decision Making
> 2. Finding a Space
>    - + Community Bank of the Bay
> *Notes:*
> 1.1  Decision Making
>    - Topics:
>    - *Membership.* Do we have it? If so, what are the levels/ benefits/
>    rules of engagement & expectations?
>    - Membership and Governance are related.
>    - Governance is a superstructure of Membership
>    - Paying Membership get voting rights? Or setup a timebank system?
>    - Lets define a what a member is
>    - Qualitifations
>    - Rite of Passage
>    - technoshamanic rituals :P
>    - Financial Contribution
>    - Time bank
>    - Anthony Di Franco BACE.org
>    - Honorary membership?
>    - Representative Do-ocracy?
>    - *Project Endorsement.* When does SudoRoom attach its name and
>    "backing" to a project, if ever?
>    - *Governance.* How do we make decisions on behalf of  SudoRoom? Are
>    financially-concerned decisions different or do they  involve a different
>    group of people vs. other kinds?
>    - Is it more important to setup governance first?
>    - Heuristics: make only neccessary decisions
>    - Are we going to register as non-profit (501(c)3)? This will
>    determine legal structure
>    - Examples: How do you pay rent? Insurance?
>    - What are the possible legal structures? Pros and Cons
>    - 501 (c) 3
>    - LLC
>    - Corporation
>    - B-Corporation: http://bcorp.com
>    - *Activities* (non-hacking). Will SudoRoom have speakers/  events/
>    classes? What system or structure do we put in place to  facilitate this?
>    Do others need to agree on any aspects of these  "extracurricular"
>    activities?
>    - What is the culture?
>    - How do you establish  a culture?
>    - How do you regulate the flow of new people to ensure the
>    establishment of culture
>    - Vision/Goods/Culture
>    -  *META and BUSINESS decisions*
>    -  Rent? Utilities? Insurance? Liabilities? Changes to group
>    structure? Dissolution?
> *1.2. Who makes these decisions?*
> Qualifications:
> -Application: can range from asking how to be a member or a project
> proposal or rite of passage (below)
> -Rite of Passage: demonstrates committment / reliability / follow-through
> (consistency)
> -Alternative currencies:
>    - -Time Bank (contact Anthony Di Franco)
>    - -OurVolts (Anca & James, Drupal)
> -Recommendation (trust-based referall network)
> -Honorary Membership
> -Agreement - opportunity for accountability
>    - **Assessing whether people are "being Sudo or not" (Rachel)
> -Representative Do-ocracy
> 1.3 How are these decisions made?
> -Consensus
> -Representative Do-ocracy
> 1.4 Where and when are these decisions made?
>    - *Options:*
>    -     Online (proposals and concerns?)
>    -     Weekly meetings (agenda and discussion?)
>    -      delay/schedule for introduction & decision making, allowing
>    for  asynchronous discussion & predictable decision making cycle
>    -
> *2.** Money Making*
> Three broad categories of income-generation:
> 2.1. membership
> 2.2. goods/services
> 2.3. fundraising/crowdsourcing
> 2.1. membership
> what are the advantages, if any to membership? to what extent should
> financial contribution be separate from 1) governance privileges 2) access
> to the space
>    - if there is agreement on separating financial membership from
>    access/votes, how do you solve the perception of the "usual" definition of
>    member (ie, many people understand membership as paying x for y privileges).
>    - can an alternate term be more useful to avoid the "usual" perception
>    of membership? here are some alternate terms!: participant, affiliate,
>    joiner, building block, supporter, sudo-agent (this term got a lot of
>    support)
>    - instead of defining benefits of membership, define responsibilities
>    of membership?
>    - logistics
>    - membership amount ($50-100, sliding scale?)
>    - in-kind options vs just cash; is there a need for this; a list of
>    trades? (services exist that allow management of this kind of setup:
>    timebank, ourvolts)
> 2.2 goods/services
>    - examples: classes, events, conferences, speakers, skillshares,
>    workshops, movie nights, etc.
>    - sudoers have a lot of talent and can offer many possible
>    services/events/goods that can be used to raise money.
>    - membership and fundraising interacts with this type of income
>    - selling goods/services can fuel and support membership (ie, members
>    can provide goods/host events/teach classes/act as speakers + these
>    activities can bring new members)
>    - maybe members are ones who can initiate classes, speakers, and other
>    group projects
>    - goods/services provided can inform viability of grants/crowdfunding
>    - **does charging for these opportunities run counter to the sudo open
>    + accessible principle?
> 2.3 fundraising
>    - examples: grants (foundation, city/state/govt), crowd-funding,
>    corporate, investment, donations
>    - kickstarter-esque campaigns have been discussed in meetings in the
>    past and have received support
>    - fundraising is time-consuming and difficult and will be more likely
>    if membership is solid (also, goods/services provided by the community can
>    inform the viability of grants/crowdfunding)
>    - "donate" button on the site is a good minimum option
>    - crowdfunding vs funding portal (eg; Sudo Room as Kickstarter Project
>    vs. Sudo Room as Kickstarter :)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Key points tabled:*
>    - How do we demonstrate transparency, the moment of
>    decision-making/consensus? (Eddan)
>    - We should discuss our autodocumentation meta-strategy :) (Jenny)
>    - Talked to Anthony Di Franco about democratizing our tax model and
>    cooperative voluntary equity/revenue share
> *---------------------------ACTION ITEMS---------------------------*
> *"**What's on the Wiki Counts**"*
> 1. Model + Budget + Income investigations (e.g Noisebridge, other)
> 2. Tax Structure Options: Eddan, Matt, Eddie
>    - Timon - Zoning
> 3. Distilling Decision Maker/Community Options (Matt, Marina, Rachel,
> Jenny, Timon)
> Will work on tonight (May 16)
> 4. Most transparent process [#3]
> 5. Determining important deadlines
> 6. Clean up listing of table  of properties (Eddie, Matt)
> Eddan spoke to Debra Acosta about realstate and had a place that he was
> interested in and it fell through. it's important to keep track of contacts
> _______________________________________________
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> sudoroom at lists.hackerspaces.org
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