[sudoroom] Fwd: Art Murmur

Tracy Jacobs kinetical at comcast.net
Sat Jun 23 04:55:47 CEST 2012

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Tracy Jacobs <kinetical at comcast.net>
> Date: June 22, 2012 7:41:09 PM PDT
> To: Marina Kukso <marina.kukso at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [sudoroom] Art Murmur
> Oh, MArina is right we need to reserve the space too for that night  
> I think. I can meet at the space anytime this weekend that is good  
> for you all.
> Tracy
> On Jun 22, 2012, at 12:32 PM, Marina Kukso wrote:
>> great ideas from everyone regarding the art murmur! sounds like  
>> there are some really exciting plans. i am sure that we can have  
>> multiple things going on as well in the box office space -  
>> something in the window and other items in the room itself. having  
>> walked past the space during the last art murmur, there are  
>> definitely large numbers of people who will walk past and enter  
>> anything that has open doors and "cool ass stuff" inside.
>> was there a date/time set to meet for the folks who are interested  
>> in working on art murmur projects?
>> best,
>> marina
>> ps - i wonder if we can go ahead and reserve the classroom space  
>> for the night of the art murmur if it's not already reserved? i am  
>> sure we can come up with a creative way (involving blinking lights  
>> i should hope) to lead people down the hallway into the classroom  
>> where we can display more stuff, or have people working on stuff,  
>> or or or...etc
>> On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 12:05 PM, Patrik D'haeseleer <patrikd at gmail.com 
>> > wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Any more ideas for the upcoming First Friday / Art Murmur?
>> Did anyone contact them to put us officially on the list?
>> One idea I had was to make a giant 3D version of our logo. Suspend  
>> a large cube covered in almost transparent red cloth by one corner  
>> to the ceiling. Then use EL wire or LED strips to trace the  
>> connections inside the cube, maybe animating them to look like  
>> nerve impulses.
>> This is something that could be made very large yet lightweight and  
>> collapsible: mostly thin cloth with a few internal rods to give the  
>> cube its shape. Not what we originally had in mind in terms of a  
>> window display, but worth considering, if only because of its  
>> simplicity in construction.
>> If we do go with the window installation, I put a pack of six  
>> suction cups in our locker at Techliminal. Feel free to use any of  
>> the motors, gears, and switches in the bag in the plastic bag in  
>> the locker too. We've got at least 5 little DC motors, which I  
>> think run on 4V and could be used to power some light-weight pieces.
>> Did anyone attend the Make:SF meetup on building automata out of  
>> paperclips at Techliminal or TechShop? Filling the entire window  
>> with moving paperclip automata powered by a few hidden DC motors  
>> could be really cool (and quite modular - everyone can build a  
>> little piece). I believe they have another one coming up next week:
>> http://www.meetup.com/makesf/events/67790022/
>> http://blog.dugnorth.com/2012/01/how-to-build-simple-machines-with-paper.html
>> Last random thought: it would be great if we could do something  
>> with the slot in the window as well - maybe an arm reaching out  
>> through the slot towards the viewer?
>> Patrik
>> </procrastination>
>> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 9:51 PM, Felicia Betancourt <fmbetancourt at gmail.com 
>> > wrote:
>> my 2 cents...some interactivity would be great, either in the  
>> display window or inside.  Something as simple as a projected  
>> TwitterWall, maybe?
>> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Erica Edmondson  
>> <kikilplus at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Oops, jumped the gun on sending this email. Here's try #2.
>> I'd be interested in a group hack for the wall robot, as well as  
>> helping to organize further events for Art Murmur. Unfortunately, I  
>> missed the meeting yesterday, so I might be a bit out of the loop.
>> Has a logo for sudoroom been either drafted or finalized yet? If  
>> so, it might be a good idea to incorporate it into the display.  
>> I've got some sewing skills; I could piece together a wall banner  
>> or something of the like.
>> -Erica.
>> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 7:37 PM, Erica Edmondson  
>> <kikilplus at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'd be interested in a group hack for the wall robot, as well as  
>> helping to organize further events for Art Murmur. Unfortunately, I  
>> missed the meeting yesterday, so I might be a bit out of the loop.
>> Has a logo for sudoroom been either drafted or finalized yet? If  
>> so, it might be a good idea to incorporate it into the display.  
>> I've got some sewing skills; I could piece together a wall banner  
>> or something of the like.
>> -Erica.
>> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 6:12 PM, Daniel Finlay <somniac at me.com>  
>> wrote:
>> I'd be happy to help make a wall drawing robot, of this general  
>> variety (dry erase?  chalk spray?). Have wanted to anyway:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qK0rrWFQKlQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player
>> Would anyone else want to meet up on occasion to hack this together  
>> Arduino-style?  Or come up with some group project completion  
>> strategy?  Probably make a wiki page for it if we try?
>> -Dan Finlay
>> On Jun 14, 2012, at 5:46 PM, Patrik D'haeseleer <patrikd at gmail.com>  
>> wrote:
>>> Could someone take some pictures and measurements of the box  
>>> office window? That way we could start sketching some ideas  
>>> online. I think we need motion, lights and color, to attract  
>>> people's attention from the street. The whole thing can be hanging  
>>> from the wall above the window, attached to the window itself with  
>>> suction cups, and/or sitting on the window sill. Need some pics of  
>>> window sill, and someone to check if we can safely suspend some  
>>> weight from above the window.
>>> If we have anyone with artistic skills, keep in mind that painting  
>>> part of the window (with water soluble paints) from inside or  
>>> outside is an option as well.
>>> Just having a cool art piece in the window would be much, much  
>>> easier than opening up the door an entertaining guests all  
>>> evening...
>>> Patrik
>>> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Tracy Jacobs  
>>> <kinetical at comcast.net> wrote:
>>>  I'm really excited about our space being centered in the First  
>>> Friday Oakland Art Murmur main drag, and I wonder if we should  
>>> form a committee to prepare and publicize an event for July 6th?   
>>> We have had some discussion about setting up a Bio lab and kinetic  
>>> sculptures in the cool glass box downstairs.  Other things that  
>>> could happen are performance of any kind, poetry reading or essay  
>>> reading, really anything. And we should let people and media know  
>>> that we'll be a part of the art walk.   I am terrible at promotion/ 
>>> marketing, so I am I hoping someone else might have skills at  
>>> that.  I think it would be a nice opportunity to draw community  
>>> attention to our evolving group.  I'd love to hear whatever ideas  
>>> people might have.
>>> Tracy
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