[sudoroom] [Meeting Reminder] And A Few Notes

Matthew Senate mattsenate at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 05:33:26 CEST 2012

Hey Folks,

Looks like the group is leaning away from weekends, and toward Weds or

Please update the doodle if your schedule has changed or if you can be more
flexible on any certain day, so we can try to make the best decision

If things don't change, it seems like Wednesday at 7pm is the most
available meeting time for those who responded.

Of course, we will utilize digital tools to be inclusive of folks who
cannot assemble synchronously at one meeting time.

// Matt

On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Matthew Senate <mattsenate at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey all!
> So as a real group, let's get things together! Let's hold the regular
> meeting tomorrow (Mon) at 7pm at 2135 Broadway (likely in the back of the
> first floor, in the board room ;)
> BUT In general, let's find a better meeting time!!!
> http://www.doodle.com/nepn2wwhc3ihcra5
> Monday doesn't work for everyone, and last week, the nursing school had a
> class during our reserved time, so there's not really a reason to stick to
> Mondays. We met in the back "Board Room" with the giant table anyway, which
> is usually open.
> ALSO, To work on the budget, check out these Sudo Room Fiscal Solvency
> Sheets version 0.1:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At_6qzhQZBX8dHU0bWZaNkxpSkcyeG5WMVRwMVQ4aWc
> I'm no Google Docs fan, but let this be a challenge for us to create a
> better system! The flow is simple, from top to bottom, focus on income,
> then costs (primarily funds), then lastly the first iteration of our
> "internal projects" method.
> // Matt
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