[sudoroom] Common Flowers Flower Commons

Evan Martin teleomorph at gmail.com
Thu Dec 22 07:40:05 CET 2011

10 years ago I also shared this (probably not uncommon) idea of genetically
altering flowers for UV reactive colors (or even phosphorescence).  Imagine
flicking a black-light on in your backyard during a party and having
rainbows of fluoro-flowers glow in the night.  Perhaps even getting flares
and multi-color streaks using multiple fluorescent protein and/or viruses
such as those used in tulips.   I still stunned this still hasn't taken off
more since non-edible plants wouldn't cause much controversy, and what with
Avatar's bioluminescent Pandora, people obviously are keen to this
other-worldly, futuristic aesthetic.   I know it's been done before but
never seemed to enter any markets.  Maybe it's very challenging, but using
genetic tricks to create weird and unusual decorative plants could be a fun
future project (cottage industry?) when it becomes more affordable.
 Certainly the new potential forms of floral beauty through genetic
tinkering will prove to be diverse and inexhaustible.

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 10:01 PM, Michael Scroggins <
michaeljscroggins at gmail.com> wrote:

> A short description:
> http://www.common-flowers.org/**ComFlow-Description.pdf<http://www.common-flowers.org/ComFlow-Description.pdf>
> An Interview with the Artist:
> http://bcl.biopresence.com/**meets/bcl/<http://bcl.biopresence.com/meets/bcl/>
> Michael
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