[SpaceProgram] Worries Over Defense Dept. Money for ‘Hackerspaces’ - NYTimes.com

Huei Ming Tan tanhueiming at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 16:55:44 CEST 2012

> “You never know when you build something where it might end up,” he said.
> “I think there’s a lot of folks getting the Darpa funding, and a lot of
> people watching on the sidelines to see what happens.”
> When you build something Open Source, you really don't know where it might
> end up.
> Sometimes its with people who will enhance it and give back
> Sometimes its with people who will clone it and undercut your sales
> Sometimes its with people who will use it for cool art projects
> and sometimes it might be with people who make it into a weapon.
> And you really don't have any control over any of that.

I liked that part too!

Warmest regards,
Huei Ming

On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 5:25 PM, Alex Cureton-Griffiths <alexcg at gmail.com>wrote:

> Nice write up, tho headline seems a bit sensationalistic (yeah, there are
> worries from some but many others are supportive), but I guess that's what
> sells papers.
> I'm stoked we've been in NYT already without even putting out a press
> release.
> Nice to see its from Amy.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 6, 2012, at 4:59 PM, Jerry Isdale <isdale at gmail.com> wrote:
> SpaceGAMBIT as well as the MENTOR Makerspace are covered in this NYTimes
> article that comes out on saturday
> (ok substitute past tense, for most time zones now.)
> http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/06/us/worries-over-defense-dept-money-for-hackerspaces.html?smid=tw-share
> Fairly well balanced treatment.
> I like Matt Joyce's comment at the end ...
> “You never know when you build something where it might end up,” he said.
> “I think there’s a lot of folks getting the Darpa funding, and a lot of
> people watching on the sidelines to see what happens.”
> When you build something Open Source, you really don't know where it might
> end up.
> Sometimes its with people who will enhance it and give back
> Sometimes its with people who will clone it and undercut your sales
> Sometimes its with people who will use it for cool art projects
> and sometimes it might be with people who make it into a weapon.
> And you really don't have any control over any of that.
>   Jerry Isdale
> isdale at spacegambit.org
> USA Program Lead, SpaceGAMBIT
> Global Alliance of Makers Building Interstellar Technology
> http://SpaceGAMBIT.org
> http://MauiMakers.com - my makerspace
> This email is intended only for the personal and confidential use of
> the human(s) named above. If intercepted by an extraterrestrial
> civilization, all opinions expressed in this email are my own and do not
> necessarily reflect the opinion of mankind as a whole.
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