[M7n] test
how at gnu.org
Tue Feb 7 17:31:50 CET 2017
This is an international working group to setup an European strategy to
establish free software as a public infrastructure.
Members of this WG are engaged in free software: engineering, community,
legal, institutional, associative, and cooperative.
# Libre Aesthetics: Cooperation, Participation, Engagement
# Free Software: A Distinct Technology
# (A)GPL: Enabling a Common-Pool Resource
# Public Infrastructure With Free Software
# Cooperative, Inclusive, Distributed Economy
# PUBLIC Consortium
Public Universal Base : Libre Infrastructure Consortium
- Find a suitable call (e.g., ICT-11) but NOT in CAPS (rather choose
something with few candidates)
- Establish roles and secure funding to make it through
We want to uphold EU members laws that are supportive of software
freedom (e.g., in Slovenia or France) and make it a requirement to
produce free software from public funding.
In order to do that we want to engage in a transdisciplinary
research-action project that will involve engineers, scientists,
philosophers, artists, and concrete action in pilot neighborhoods and
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