[Hacker-event-theory] turning feedback from ohm into learning points

Nick Farr nick at nickfarr.org
Tue Apr 8 15:52:08 CEST 2014

Hash: SHA256

On 04/08/2014 07:39 AM, Rejo Zenger wrote:
> ++ 06/04/14 23:38 +0200 - Eelco Hotting:
>> A campsite with power infrastructure capable of hosting our kind
>> of evets does not exist in NL. Our power consumption is extreme
>> in it's properties, both in power consumed as length and
>> structure of the power network.
> Well, at least one could try find a site with either the sanitation
> in place or the power. Right? Like I have mentioned before: I am
> sure there are fields in the Netherlands that have permantent
> infrastructure

Actually, this search may be a great way to engage the NL hacker
community and start everyone thinking about the next Dutch camp! Why
not stand up a web presence for IFCAT itself (or OHM2017 if you've
already decided to go with that branding), and put out a post once a
month or so with the various fields that might work and have the
community give their say on it.

Also, odds are you'll find someone with a lead somewhere on a suitable
location rather than leaving it for 5-6 people to scout.

- -- 
Nick Farr
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