[Hacker-event-theory] HEDP #2: Communication with volunteers

Nick Farr nick at nickfarr.org
Thu Sep 19 20:54:33 CEST 2013

+ >9000
Nick Farr
+1 203 441-3277
D762E03B / N0FAR
Church Street Station / PO BOX 3471 / NY NY 10008-3471 / USA

On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Piet De Vaere <piet at devae.re> wrote:
> It is crucial to have good communication with volunteers: ideally a
> volunteer should know what to do without having to do any research.
> Unfortunately this is not possible, but we can do our best to minimise the
> efforts a volunteer should put in to get instructions.
> Communication with volunteers should include, but not be limited to:
> * General assembly's with everyone on the event terrain on the days prior to
> the event. These gatherings should outline the progress made since the last
> assembly and the plans for the next day. It is important that people are
> motivated to help out, and that it is made easy for them to figure out where
> hands (or brains ;) ) are needed.
> * On the last day before the official start of the even the assembly should
> be even more extensive. Extra efforts must be made to get as much people as
> possible to attend, and every teamlead should give a brief overview of what
> his/her team does and what (s)he needs volunteers for. This does not only
> give attendees an idea of the efforts needed to run a hacker event, but it
> also gives teamleads some recognition for their hard work. After the meeting
> every team should give introduction sessions to new volunteers. Make sure
> this gets announced during the presentations, and that potential volunteers
> know where to go. During or right after these sessions, it should be
> possible to register for shifts
> * Document -- Yes, really. Documenting is not usually a hacker's strong
> suit, but when working in teams like you will be doing during the
> organisation of an event it is *crucial*. Every team should have a proper
> wiki page set up, outlining the tasks of the team, and if more volunteers
> are needed, giving instructions on how to enroll. Again, make it as easy as
> possible for a volunteer to join the team. Also, make sure there is a link
> between the volunteering system and the wiki.
> * ...
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