[Hacker-event-theory] HEDP #1: Make it easy and rewarding to Volunteer

Amran amx109 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 19 12:20:35 CEST 2013

> Hacker Event Design Pattern #1:
> Make it easy and rewarding to Volunteer.
> Volunteers are the lifeblood of true Hacker Events.  Without Volunteers,
> the costs of running an event would be exponentially higher--and that fact
> should be kept in mind when thinking about amenities and rewards for
> volunteers.


> Make it easy for participants to volunteer.  The Volunteer recruiting area
> should be near a well-trafficked spot in the conference and adjacent to the
> volunteer lounge.  There should be a well-informed dispatcher who is eager
> to attract new volunteers, accept volunteer labor requests and make sure
> the volunteer lounge is clean, comfortable and well stocked.

i would also point out the difference with regards to the setting of an
event. i feel its easier to use an online system for volunteering at a
congress (easier to catch up on sleep, not stressed by environment, less
distances to get between events) than in a camping setting.

> If at all possible, identify the key "do-ers" in your community and offer
> them free admission in exchange for volunteering.  If this is not possible
> for cultural or other reasons, make sure that the rewards for volunteering
> are tangible and visible to all who attend the conference even if
> volunteering is a sought-after position.  Having a volunteer credential
> should garner respect and thanks from attendees--and more than a few
> applications during and after the event.

i dont understand the 'applications' part of this sentence?
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