[foodhackingbase] emf 2024 coming

František Apfelbeck algoldor at foodhackingbase.org
Fri May 24 17:31:01 CEST 2024

Greetings to all,
this is just a gentle reminder or a "test email" letting you know that 
we are finishing up our preparations for Electro Magnetic Field, EMF 
2024, which takes place at Eastnor Castle Deer Park from 30/5 till 2nd 
of June.

Several of us will meet there, if you are around please do pop in. Of 
course if you would like to give some workshop or help around before, 
during and after the event, great! Our wiki is starting to take a shape 


Take care and lets see each other there!

For fhb,




“There is no path to peace. Peace is the path.”

Mahatma Ghandi

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