[foodhackingbase] having major issues with my fhb email account, help needed

algoldor at foodhackingbase.org algoldor at foodhackingbase.org
Wed Mar 24 19:56:49 CET 2021

Greetings to all,
I'm sorry to disturb you after but I've a major issue with my algoldor at foodhackingbase.org email. Uberspace was doing some updates "[WICHTIG] Dein Uberspace 6 Account wird innerhalb von 72 Stunden migriert [fhb]" and my email account got inaccessible. Jennifer already helped me and changed where the domain is pointing too regarding the email (sorry for not clear wording but I'm very tired and this is not my thing), she did it by changing the parameters at gandi.net where we host our domain. Now I can access the email, I can send the emails (and they arrive) but I can not receive any emails since 19th when the Uberspace did the changes. Do you have any idea what could go wrong and how to make it work?

Please if you have any ideas share them by copying me at algoldor at yahoo.com and at our #foodhackingbase IRC channel at oftc network. The email is down since Friday and it is starting to be really critical, it is my number one mean of communication.

Thanks for any help,



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