[foodhackingbase] food hacking base will be present at 33c3 CCH main venue, meeting notes and crowdsourcing campaign

Frantisek Apfelbeck algoldor at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 28 18:13:24 CET 2016

Hi to all,we are very happy to announce that Food Hacking Base (fhb) will part of the 33c3 event with dedicated location in the CCH venue. We will be located at the roof of Hall H (outside), allowed to do our stuff (except using gas and open fire of course) which means food hacking, brewing,  bio tinkering and enjoying in general. We are in the process of planning the tents, fresh and drainage water, experimental kitchen, workshop venues, heaters etc. If you are coming to 33c3 and you would like to pop in please get in touch we need help!
Here are notes from the last meeting, important part was also FHB Crowdsourcing Campaign for 33c3 which will start within next few days


The crowdsourcing campaign will be started within next two days or so, we are nearly ready. So far we hesitate if to aim for 1000 or 1500 eu, maybe 1200 eu would be the way to go. Suggested deadline is the last day of the congress 30/12. We need another two or three fhb people to join the campaign as the campaign team. It doesn't have to include extra work (but you may help of course if you like, it would be highly appreciated), it is more about being fine with your name under the project which basically means that you like this thing, you believe it should happen the way as we do it and you are one of the supporters (even if it is j"ust having your name there" - you have been involved before so it is OK).
The updates and emails will start to be more and more frequent now as we approach the event, keep tuned than! Next meeting should be on 4/12/2016 at 18:00 CET at IRC oftc network on our #foodhackingbase channel

Sincerely from Normandie,
Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck

biotechnologist&kvasir and hacker 


"There is no way to peace, peace is the way." 

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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