[Finance] Startup Costs

Grant Henninger grant.henninger at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 18:24:24 CEST 2010


We're looking in Anaheim, CA.  (Let me know if you're local and want a bit
more detail than that.)


On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Brain Tank <thebraintank at gmail.com> wrote:

> Grant,
> Where are you starting your Hackerspace?
> -Dave
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 9:42 AM, Dan Hess <dan9186 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> We've yet to move into a location as we're shopping around, currently
>> we're planning roughly $1500 for first/last months rent, $1500 for rainy day
>> funds to smooth out the times where there may be excess vs not enough
>> members, and probably not even $1000 in furniture and other move in costs.
>> I think that you'll find that anything you think you just really need,
>> your group will find a rather creative way to obtain it while keeping the
>> costs down.  Necessity is the mother of invention.  We want pretty much all
>> of those same things you've listed, but are certain to be obtained over time
>> and after we've moved in.  There's plenty of hacking/making that can go on
>> in a shop that doesn't have an excess of tools and I would personally think
>> you wouldn't want to stave all of the growth of the group that comes with
>> having a space for lack of some equipment.
>> Thanks,
>> Daniel
>> http://www.midsouthmakers.org
>> - Copying one is plagiarism, copying many is research.
>> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Leigh Honeywell <leigh at hypatia.ca>wrote:
>>> On 10-10-25 03:05 PM, Grant Henninger wrote:
>>> > A few friends and I are looking at starting up our own hackerspace.
>>> >  We've tried to think through what we'll need to buy in order to get
>>> our
>>> > place up and running, but I'm sure we're leaving things out.  For those
>>> > of you who have been through this process before, what were your
>>> startup
>>> > costs?
>>> Our costs were just under $3000 for first/last months' rent, plus about
>>> $1000 on furniture at Ikea.  You can probably save on the latter by
>>> spending some quality time with Craigslist, but at the time we just
>>> really wanted to get some desks and shelving and be done with it :)
>>> -Leigh
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